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2 Opportunities for Young Adults at Evangel

At Evangel there are 2 Young Adult Ministries available.  Our Monday night Bible Study at 6:30 PM is a cornerstone of what we do and is open to those who are18-30 yrs old. This group offers a space to delve into scripture more deeply than a larger setting allows. We focus on reading scripture without bias, uncovering the truths in God’s word, and understanding how to apply them in our 21st-century lives. It is currently co-lead by Pastor Jason & Pastor Mike.


The 2nd group is for those 18-23yrs old.  This is a newly founded ministry lead by Ray & Krista Bova.  We understand the need for a separate ministry concentration for those just coming out of High School, full or part time college, and even those unsure of what their next steps in life will be. Meetings are currently once a month on Tuesday evenings with other events planned during school breaks. 



What the Bible says about...

We are currently looking at a biblical approach to the topics on your heart.

Below you can submit topics and scripture passages you'd like to see discussed in our Monday night group.

submit your topic here
Community on the go

Join our text line to stay updated on what we wil be covering each week @yam716 to the number 81010 

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